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Justify Conjure

Master Manifestor Place your orders today.  Each candle is hand crafted with extreme care, spelled and ready for your intention.💫

Guided by Spirit & Rooted in African Spirituality, Justify Conjure Candle Company specializes in crafting our authentic conjure and spelled candles one by one.  Traditions and practices include ancient elements of Hoodoo and Vodun/Vodoo.

Justify Conjure candles are crafted with care and intention following specific ancient practices. These candles possess highly effective magical properties.
Each candle is spelled and/or conjured for various purposes, whether it be love, money attraction, protection, personal growth/enlightenment and curse removal.  Justify Conjure provides conjured candles to include working with specific loa(s) and orisha(s).
Each candle is highly effective and should be handled with delicate care.
Take control of your destiny and reality with Justify Conjure Spelled and Conjured Candles.

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About J.C.: Welcome

Justify Conjure

Each day your job is to wake up and write down, or say to yourself just how grateful you are. Showing gratitude is good for the soul. ...

About J.C.: Blog2
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